Luzerne County Community College: Northumberland Regional Center
Luzerne County Community College provides excellence in education, fosters student success in achievemnt of goals, and positively impacts the community.
Dedicated in 1999 as the Gateway of Education and Workforce Development by the Commissioners and Citizens of Northumberland County, LCCC's Northumberland Regional Center is located conveniently close to Shamokin's downtown and less than 12 miles away from nearby Knoebels Amusement Resort. Housed on the fourth floor of the Northumberland County Career and Arts Center, Luzerne County Community College offers area residents a variety of courses and academic programs. With both day and evening classes available, the Northumberland Regional Center offers the following several degree programs.
Students can:
- complete General Education requirements for a variety of other programs or majors.
- Get a jump start on college by earning college credit while still in high school (at half the tuition rate).
- Enroll as visiting students while attending another school.
At the Northumberland Regional Center, we offer students a variety of individualized and outstanding service. While here, you can:
- Apply for admission
- Schedule and complete placement testing
- Register for classes
- Receive academic advisement and support
- Sign up for a tutor
- Tour the campus
Our Academic Advisors will help you:
- Identify and achieve your educational and career goals.
- Navigate the College's academic opportunities, policies, systems, and procedures.
- Prepare for graduation and/or transfer to a University.
Luzerne County Community College is especially pleased to offer our highly acclaimed nursing program at LCCC's Northumberland Regional Center. For student convenience, all nursing classes are taught in Shamokin with clinicals held at local hospitals and facilities.
Student Activities
There are many opportunities for students to become active in campus life. In addition to the student organization mentioned below, there are a variety of community and building events students can participate in.
- SGA (Student Government Association)
From movie nights and fundraisers to marching in community parades, the Student Government Association works to improve Luzerne County Community College's Northumberland Regional Center for students, faculty, and staff.